
Ms Skinnyfat

A Food & Travel Blog from Singapore

Cafe Review: Carpenter and Cook

By Saturday, August 18, 2012 , , ,

Once upon a time, there were 3 girls with a dream, a dream of having their own little place, decorated with curated pieces of vintage and filled with the buttery aroma of cakes and bakes. It'll be a place where friends will share secrets over a pot of tea, where lovers reunite, where lost treasures are found. But dreams will remain as dreams unless you have the courage to pursue it. So they did. And Carpenter and Cook was born. 
The shop is exactly out of a fairy tale. The nostalgia and charm of a time lost and then rediscovered. The interior is warmy and cosy, peppered with an eclectic mix of handpicked and restored furniture. There is just this air of positivity and hope. I guess it must have come from Phoebe, Shenn and Eunice, who obviously have put in their heart and soul into the place.
There is something romantic about old furniture. Who did it belong to? What was the owner like? Why did they buy it? Who was it for? Each piece comes with a history that we may never know about; each a mystery.
I pondered these over the freshly baked tarts (S$6.20) and a cup of mocha. The bakes are as dreamy as everything else. These are made by the Cordon Bleu trained hands of Shenn and each bite was as delicious as you can imagine. For me, my search for the best tart ends here. 

The crisp and buttery tart base is everything one would look for. It doesn't fall to pieces when you cut or bite into it. Neither is it too soft that it fails to hold the filling. 
The Chocolate Sea Salt Caramel tart was a bitter sweet delight. I like that it isn't too cloyingly sweet. A hint of sea salt gives way to a smokey caramel and then you hit the bitter notes of the chocolate in the aftertaste. There is a clear separation of the chocolate and the tart but it melts from the warmth of your lips and becomes a rich elixir that goes down easily. 

The Lemon Cream tart was a custard and eggy delight. It's a little sharp but that's it's character. I guess a person's taste preference is also an indication of what they are like. Obviously i'm not the sweet and docile girl. I declare this to be the best tart in Singapore. It can't get better than this.
Carpenter and Cook is a place where dreams are renewed and hopes given a booster shot. And of course, tummies satisfied as well. This is a great place to throw a Mad Hatter Tea Party with the girls (they do teas and private events too) or simply where you can be left to your own devices and thoughts. I will certainly be back to finish the rest of their cakes and quiches and savory treats (they are rolled out of the kitchen ever so often) while i work on a plan to actualize my dreams.  
It's time to stop dreaming and start acting. Have a great weekend ahead.

19 Lorong Kilat, #01-06, Singapore 598120
Tel: +65 6463 3648
Tue – Fri: 12pm – 10pm
Sat: 10am – 10pm
Sun: 10am – 7pm
Closed on Mon

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  1. Haha so coincidental. My wife was telling me she wanted to go to this place just last week.

    Anyway we are planning to go to restore cafe and the bedok ang ku kueh which you recommended recently. :)

    1. Haha cool! Let me know if you like it. :)

